by Yesterday's-Now ( 0 comments )

Saturday, January 14, 2017
January 14, 2017
Salam & haiiii!

life as a final year student starts!

it's true that others said, "you need to manage your time well as final year workloadsss are no joke!"
yes, I agree!
final year is no joke!
many things need to be done, many projects, test, quizzes, presentation & etc...
you even don't have your "self-time" this semester. 
all your focus is on your studies, how you manage it.

As I said from previous semesters that "this semester was hectic etc..."
The most roller-coaster sem is this sem!
14 weeks just passed by like wuiisssshhhhhhh!
so fast!

weekends in lab, like from morning to 2am, next morning.
no proper sleep, only sleep for few hours. 
Alhamdulillah that my FYP doesn't need me to go out to site.

just left with 4 more months before graduating, InshaAllah...

to start with, after 8 months of staying home for internship...
I went back to utp & cried (HAHAHAHA) when my parents sent me. 
it's so dramatic hahahah.
my parents came almost every week to utp this semester.
I guess they miss me a lot!

who says that final year would be very relaxing, not so many classes to attend...

you're wrong...
the stress is real!

Final Year Project (FYP)

awal2 tu okay laaaa tp bila dah start kena hntar proposal kt SV, haaaa tudia kalut!
lpstu dah submit proposal, next tu ada presentation proposal defense.
5 weeks just went by like so fassstttt!
then, kena keep on going with the project yg mmg every weekend kena prgi lab nk kna siapkan bnda tu.
ada masa software tu ok, ada hari dia nk slow, lag, or even crash!
crash tu yg tak tahan bila kita dh buat bnyk but in the end, all lost!
nangis tak brlagu.
so, it is very important to make it auto-save every 5-10 mins so that the project is not gone!
week 13 - submit interim report.
week 13 was very hectic, submission interim, other reports, assignments, video, etc. got tests, quizzes... dah redha sgt2 dah dgn assignment, test, quiz ke apa.. sbb mmg takda masa nak double/triple check balik.
& study pun focus tak focus je lately ni pun xtau pasaipa...


E&P really test everyone - GeoNinjas!
in terms of how u plan to execute the project, time, relationship among teammates, among classmates.
E&P took up the most of our time, where we need to re-learn to use the software back which most of us forgot. 
I didn't use this software during my internship, so yeah I forgot most of it!
Alhamdulillah, my teammates were very supportive & went all the way with peace.  :)
thank you for the support, time, patience & everything. 
all of you are amazing & the best teammates ever!

ni hao! wo jiao fei ka! wo lai zi xue lan e. 
(Hello everyone! I am Afiqah! I'm from Selangor)
boleh lahhh sikit2 ckp mandarin.
the class was very fun! 
I learn how to write, speak with the correct tone, singing, acting (haha) & memorizing Chinese poems!
cuma, bnyk gilaaaa replacement. 
supposedly, the class should be 3 hours/week but then, it has become 4 & half hours.
penat la jugakkk every week ada 3 class. 

the video project. 

Seismic Data Processing

so, I've made up my mind to choose Geophysics as my major during my final year.
sadly, this class only 1/3 of GeoNinjas.
yg lain smua amik basin. 
SDP mmmmm susah utk nak faham sbbnya bnda tu tak di-apply lg.
skrg ni belajar teori & I started to understand everything after the lasttt quiz (which is in week 15, like 2/3 days before final exam!)
masa tu, mmg kteorg smua bergabung otak utk nk buat quiz tu.
nasib baik lah online quiz, so boleh tgk notes. 
so, drpd situ, bru faham the flow, ada pre-processing, during processing & post.
exam was mmmmm okay ke? okay la kot...
thank you sir amin sbb buat class ni fun & sabar je dgn kteorg wlaupun mmg slalu dlm class kteorg blur. 

With my small family of future Geophysicist!

Reservoir Characterization

fuhhhh, subject ni susah!
bnyk gila nak baca & bnyk group assignment. 
subject yg paling bnyk lecturer - ada 3 lecturer. 
so, chaos sikit...
exam mmg susah!
tu je nk ckp. 
nasib baik laaaa last paper!
mmg boleh trus balik lupakan kekusutan...

this sem bnyk spend time dgn housemates.
prgi sana sini, smbut bday apa smua. 

Congratulation Nisa & Nano on yur graduation!
so, this is where the fabulous floormates gather!
lama gila x gather sama2.
Congrats Nisa & Nano on your graduation & good luck with your future girls!

#MemoriesMade with GeoNinjas

so, sem ni bnyk p main bowling dgn coursemates, prgi konvoi rmai2 kenduri nizzam (wlaupun bbrapa hari lg nk exam, but whatever!)
Selamat Pengantin Baru to Nizzam & wife!

Papa & Umi

Thank you papa & umi dtg utp for almost every week. 
sorry sbb tak dpt nak balik slalu, & even busier this upcoming semester. 
thank you for the support! :)
love you both always.

2017 Resolution

2017 would be a big year for me.
As I will graduate, convo & kerja, InshaAllah...
and this year, I'll be 23 y/o. 
age is just a number & I'm still young at heart.
May Allah ease my journey, GeoNinjas & fellow May12 batchmates journey through year 2017. 

Afiqah will be graduating this year, InshaAllah...